Secrets of Mining


Cryptocurrency mining is first introduced to Blockchain technology and it is the first protocol for garnering rewards on every block that is called Proof-of-Work. Crypto mining can be done by using physical equipment like Graphic Cards of PC or ASIC miners. These method of earning in cryptocurrency must be knowledgably in technical terminologies on Blockchain. Mining pool for cryptocurrency is consist of united active miners mining for hours to verify a block and get a reward. 

Keep things up!

To maximize profits in cryptocurrency mining, one must have enough knowledge to utilize the energy efficiency of the machine or the daily income will be lessen or break even will approach. Miner's machine must be at 24-hour online to get its maximize profit.

Build? Build! Build.

To become profitable in crypto mining business. Basic knowledge for mining is necessary. The Basics are:

1. Knowing the steps to build a mining machine.
2. Difficulty of the token to be mine.
3. Algorithm to be used to maximize the daily income.
4. Pool that serves good incentives and lesser fees.

Is there any other options instead of building mining rigs?

The answer is Yes. By borrowing of other machine's power to mine specific crypto can be done through renting. There are websites that do have market for mining power. There are many mining algorithms can be borrow and can be use to other pools.


Nicehash platform has its own mining software, Pool and exchanger. It is a multiplatform mainly for mineable cryptocurrency.

Miningrigrentals is a platform for buy and sell of different algorithms for hash power, it also has the cheapest renting fees for rig market place and has option for amount of time and hashpower speed.

Is it Profitable? 

Profitabilty is essential for a miner and the answer is yes. Renting of mining machines is profitable in a way a miner knows which blockchain proof-of-work has less difficulty to mine a block. A DYOR or Do Your Own Research on difficulty is necessary for miner to become successful in mining.

What about the Pool?

Pools are necessary for a mining to work. Without it a miner will exhaustively get a tiny reward and difficulty will be harder than with a pool. A pool is a group of miners mining together to get a block faster. The more miners get into the pool the faster the block can be created.

Binance Mining Pool

Binance starts its mining pool for ETH and BTC. Helping miners to get more rewards and incentives when they connect to Binance's pool.  First, the user must create Pool Account within Binance platform.

There are many CryptoPools a miner can join. The thing is different pool platform serves different fees for a pool to work. 

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